Trainings & Courses
ITTA center in the 2017-2018 has organized many activities, as below:
* July-August 2017 - Training with teachers of elementary school of Tirana
* September-December 2017 - Training titled :Autism spectrum disorders and ABA Therapy organized in the Durres center with 15 participants
* January 2018 - Activities for the sensibilisation of parents in the kindergardens of Tirana and Durres
* April 2018 - The Month of Autism. ITTA Center is involved with many volunteers in Tirana, Durres and other cities with the scope to distribute flyers and give information to people about autism annd other related disorders.
* April - June 2018 - Training titled: Autism spectrum disorders and ABA Therapy organized in ITTA center Tirana with 18 participants